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Hi Megan,
Sounds fun, I'd love to more about the monthly craft fair.
And put up a link to your craft article when it's published...'k?


Hi, Arlene!
I definitely will post an update when I learn more about the craft fairs. I sent an e-mail to the coordinators last night and will call today if I don't hear from them soon.
The story about the party comes out in the September issue of Spokane Metro magazine. I'll post a link then, but in the meantime you can read more about the magazine here:


Oh poor Bo!! I'm sure auntie peg can relate to those grocery store bathroom mishaves. Do you remember Megan??? :)

Hey i've been meaning to ask have you dabbled in knitting yet? I was thinking about learning.


Hi, Bethany! Oh, yes. I remember those incidents at Almacs all too well.
It's funny that you ask about knitting. Lately I've been getting an incredible urge to take it up. I knew how when I was a kid, but I struggle with it now. At the library near my house there's a drop-in knitting session once a month led by a librarian. Maybe I'll try to learn online before then and then tap into the "limited instruction" she offers.
I don't want to make anything complicated--just some hats and coffee cup cozies.
Too bad we can't take a class together! :(
Thanks for the package yesterday. I opened the container of seashells and could smell the ocean. Boo hoo hoooooo.

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