Let me admit something right off the bat: I'm a part-time nurser. I stopped at 8 months with Bo and 9 months with Magpie.
That can only mean two things: dirty looks from female strangers (not all, but plenty) when I shake up a bottle of milk in public and lots and lots and lots of empty formula cans.
I can't bear to toss those cans. Formula costs so dang much--It's like I owe it to myself to get a second use out of them.
So let me introduce you to the latest thing taking over our home: covered cans.
The idea came from the fabulous blog Elsie Marley, written by Meg, who got it from a Japanese magazine. Meg's cans are much more subdued and charming than mine, but I needed some punches of color in my otherwise white-brown-and-black kitchen.
I'll post a more detailed tutorial here later, or you can follow Meg's. Basically, it's a slipcover for a can, and you can modify it to fit any size can you have. I like to make them nice and snug, so much so that you kind of have to work to get it over the can. But they come off, so you can wash them easily.
Speaking of nursing, check out Bo's fixation this weekend at the county fair as a calf was drinking its mama's milk. I could hardly tear her away. When she grows up, looks like she's either going to be a plumber (plumber's crack in training there) or a lactation consultant.
Hummm. I wonder if those can covers would work on those empty Nancy's yogurt tubs I always have in abundance ...
Posted by: Carolyn L. | September 10, 2008 at 11:55 PM
Heck, I'm eyeing every makeshift vessel in my house right now and scheming how I can slipcover it. Plastic milk crates are my next victims.
Posted by: Megan | September 11, 2008 at 01:45 PM