I have to share two funny conversations I had with Bo today.
The first occurred in the bathtub. She and her sister had been in there for a while. Insert their real names here if you know them (Bo and Magpie are their blog names, obviously).
Bo: Hey, Mom. I and Magpie and Bo are ready to get out of the tub.
Me: You mean both you and your sister are ready to get out?
Bo: Yeah. And Bo.
(Lesson to myself: it's time to stop speaking in the third person, as in, "Mommy needs to go tinkle.")
The second happened this afternoon as I was running with them in the stroller. To preface it, you should know that I've been making them a bunch of stuff lately. Stuff I haven't even had time to photograph and put on here. Just this morning I finished sewing a pair of slippers for Bo because she's required to have some to wear during preschool (I didn't see anything I liked within a 10 mile radius of our house--they were either the wrong size or had Dora's big head on top). Anyhow, I think I've successfully taught her that we don't always have to buy things we want. We can depend on ourselves when we want or need something.
Case in point, this afternoon we're jogging past a house with a swimming pool visible from the road.
Bo: Look, Mom. A swimming pool. Can you make that for me?
In other blog news, the wonderfully talented Klay over at Klaydoughdreams has a post up about a craft party I attended last month. I was there as a reporter, working on a story for the new Spokane Metro magazine. I'd interviewed Klay over the phone before, but that was the first time I'd met her in person. Even though I'd never seen her until then, I detected a certain glow about her that night and lo and behold it turns out she is preggers after trying for a long, long, long time (she has blogged about that, so I think I'm OK saying that here). We had one miscarriage here and it was awful, but it was after Bo so she kept us smiling. I cannot imagine the frustration of trying for so long, but now I'm so happy to be around for the joy. I seriously choke up every time I think about it.
Anyhow, Craft Night was awesome. Picture 20 or so people spread out in various rooms of a house, everyone working on something different. Beading. Knitting. Sewing. Making flowers out of old bicycle tire tubes. Pair that with lots of yummy-looking food, wine and great conversation. My kind of night.
I haven't seen the current issue of the Spokane Metro yet, but I swiped these images from Klay's blog. Cool cover, huh?
My daughter has also declared that we're going to make her a new swimming pool. And a car for her and her friend (one for each of them)!
Posted by: tango | September 12, 2008 at 02:14 PM
How funny. They're too cute. My daughter also likes to say we can buy stuff with pretend money when I tell her we can't afford something.
Posted by: Megan | September 13, 2008 at 12:25 AM
Your daughter made me laugh...I remember when my Son was very young, and he had to of heard my Husband and I talking about the Plastic money at some point. Well he wanted something we couldn't afford at the time or I didn't think he needed it right then. So I told him no not this week. He yelled out in front of a crowded store...when else? ....You have money just use the plastic kind...I liked to have died on the spot. Everyone was looking of course at me for a reaction, then they busted out laughing. I was speechless for a while. Kids say the darnedest things...at just the right time...
Posted by: Roni | April 11, 2009 at 11:19 PM
Cute, Roni. Lately my oldest has been telling me to let the car decide where we should go. The car knows the way!
Take care. :)
Posted by: Megan | April 12, 2009 at 05:46 PM