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Really sweet idea! I love the pear.


Thanks, Klay! The pear ended up being bigger than I wanted, but it sort of had to be because I was covering a big hunk of embroidery.
I have to admit Bo hasn't been thrilled by my sewing projects lately, but she got excited when she saw these this morning. She had a hard time choosing which one to wear to preschool (the bunny won).


These are fantastic. So easy and inspirational.


Thanks, Jill! I just stopped by your blog and noticed you have three boys. You could have so much fun appliqueing boy-inspired shapes. I hate to be so stereotypical, but I'm thinking trucks and dinosaurs and cars and (sweet) monsters, etc.. Boys get the shaft when it comes to clothes, but you could make some otherwise boring clothes pretty dang cute.
Speaking of boys, did anyone see the post on Ohdeedoh this week about how it wasn't until the 1940s or so that pink started to be associated with girls and blue with boys? It used to be the opposite, because red was the color of strength and courage and so people used pink with boys because it's kind of a watered down red for those little men-in-training. I thought it was interesting. Almost made me want to have another kids so it could be a boy and I could paint his room pink. And then the two children I already have started driving me crazy so I searched high and low for the phone number for the vasectomy doc.


Here's a link to the pink-for-boys discussion I was talking about:

Carolyn L.

These are great, Megan! Where did you find the giraffe template? My little kiddo has a recent fascination with giraffes ...


Ah! I'm terrible. I can't believe I didn't link to the sources of the shapes, especially since I've blogged about one of them (the giraffe) before.

Here you go:
For the giraffe: www.letmecolor.com/
For the Space Needle: puyallupgemclub.org/
For the pear: www.epaek.com
The snake and the letter ā€œSā€ were my own, as if you couldn't tell.
The bunny was mine, too, but it's a mess. I shouldn't have tried to do all four legs. I can't remember what animal J thought it was at first, but "bunny" didn't spring to his mind.

Thanks, Carolyn. This was a fun project, and it's making me consider a trip to Other Mothers (secondhand store).

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