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I love, love, love it! So wonderful! I'll have to send this link to my boyfriend, maybe we could make somthing like that together! It's adorable - and I love the fact that it's not plastic-crap! :)


We also lean towards "make" in the make-or-buy decision. Your reasons are certainly factors for us too, but our most important reason is to cultivate our daughters' gorgeous little brains. We want to foster their imaginations, creativity, problem-solving skills, artistry, patience, persistence, experimentation, etc. At 5 years and 18 months, we are at the fundamentals, but throughout their childhood, we'll build on these into higher cognitive skills and harder sciences. These, plus the independence and self-assurance that comes with knowing that you can do things for yourself, we believe will provide a strong foundation for our daughters to succeed throughout life.

Besides, it's a whole lot of FUN to make things together!!! :-D


Right on, ladies!!!


I love that kitchen... wow. Can y'all come to my house and make stuff for me? I'm just so timid in the land of creativity! Our gift budget last year was small, too, and we loved it... we both commented on how much better and thoughtful the gifts actually were!

Sus at wigglerooms

I came here after googling diy play kitchen images but stayed around to read and be inspired left and right! I'm so impressed - love the handmade clothes, the barn wedding, the darling Cinderella dress & princess cupcakes & hats. Bookmarking you RIGHT NOW. :)


Thanks so much for your kind words, Sus. Come back again soon. :)

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