A bit of recent history first:
During Magpie's first six months, she pretty much destroyed my chances of ever convincing J that we should have a third child one day. It seemed to take us longer to "figure her out" than it took us to crack Bo's code.
But eventually (read: once we determined that some babies really just want to eat all the friggin' time) she transformed into "zen baby," as I'm sure I referred to her more than once on this blog. She would chilly chill while the world went on around her, smiling sweetly at strangers and keeping busy with a crate of fabric scraps at my feet while I sewed.
Well, the original Magpie is back. She tries to pull this little tiger action on us now, sort of roaring out orders when she wants something. At 16 months, she's already having tantrums. And if her big sister tries to take away a toy, look out.
Luckily, I've found the off switch. It's her bellybutton. Or anyone's bellybutton, for that matter. Show her a bellybutton, and she's a happy girl again.
That is difficult to do, though, when we're getting in the car. She's going through that you-just-try-to-strap-me-into-a-car-seat phase, arching her back and straightening her legs as I try to wrestle her in. What makes it more difficult is that we're always so bundled up with clothes, given that our high temperatures most days still aren't above freezing here. So I'm basically trying to stuff the Michelin Man into G-string underwear. It ain't pretty.
This is a long-winded introduction to today's sewing project: a fleece poncho.
I figure I'll strap her into the car seat wearing her normal clothes (which I think is the safest way to do things anyway, right?), and then throw this poncho on over the top of her. I didn't drive her anywhere today so I haven't tested this out yet, but I'll let you know how it goes.
I used a pattern for this--Simplicity 4434. Like normal, though, I followed it to cut out the pieces (altering the hood a bit) and then sort of improvised from there. In fact, I laughed a few minutes ago when I looked back at the package to get the pattern number for this post because I realized the poncho is supposed to be open in the front, making it a cape, I guess, instead of a poncho.
This is what it was supposed to look like:
And here are more shots of my version:
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope:
This was a super easy project. No more than 30 minutes, start to finish. I wish I had used micro fleece, but I'm trying to use up some old fabric. A jersey-knit version might be in order for spring.
The trim around the hood is a cotton belt that came with an old pair of Gap pants of mine. It would have been nice if I'd had enough to go around the bottom of the poncho, too, because it's looking kind of plain to me.
Any ideas for giving it a little more personality? My friend Carolyn suggested some pom-pom fringe, which would be totally cute and add entertainment value for Magpie. Or I could applique some little forest friends.
Hey, what is this? A straightjacket?
I love this. Far better without the opening, if you ask me.
Posted by: The Coffee Lady | February 16, 2009 at 04:59 AM
Thanks, CL! I agree about the opening. I swear, if pattern companies updated their cover photos a bit and used better fabric, they'd sell a lot more of their products.
Thanks for stopping by. :)
Posted by: Megan | February 16, 2009 at 10:08 AM
You are so funny. The poncho is adorable~
We've taken to calling belly buttons "Bella Buttons" since my Isabella also has a strange fascination with her outie.
I'd make a poncho with applique and another with pom poms!
Posted by: Zana | February 16, 2009 at 11:02 AM
Super cute...both Magpie and the poncho/straitjacket! :) It should be illegal to have such cute kids. I think the pattern companies should use your work and your kids as the models.
Love the bellybuttons...there is a Sandra Boynton book called "The Bellybutton Book" and all the hippos love their "belly b's" which they call "bee-bos." When MK first used the term bee-bo at preschool her teacher was all, um, what's a bee-bo? It's a great book, I bet she'd love it!
p.s. Did I learn about Miss Rumphius from you? If not, go check it out from the library, it's a wonderful story and message!!
Posted by: Nis | February 16, 2009 at 01:54 PM
Thanks, guys.
Good idea, Zana!
Nis, I think I've seen that belly button book in the stores. I'll have to track it down for Miss Mags. Thanks for the tip.
I have mentioned Miss Rumphius on here, so maybe that was from me. We have it. I love it. Bo liked it at first, but she never chooses to read it anymore. I wish she would. It's a great book.
Posted by: Megan | February 16, 2009 at 03:36 PM
Super cute poncho! I'm in the process of making on from scratch...I like doing things the hard way I guess ; ) I like how you said belly buttons calm her down....I just learned a little while back that the center of your zen energy (or something of that nature : ) is focused around your belly button...something like if you are anxious and you need to center yourself, pull gently up on your belly button while also pushing gently up in the center of your forehead...it's suppose to really calm you. Maybe your little zen baby girl knows this ; ). My one year daughters name is Penny on a side note ; )
Posted by: Krystal McNerney | November 03, 2012 at 09:54 PM