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Those moments when I snap myself out of grumpiness and do something ridiculous with my girl... the look on her face just kills me. Suprised, delighted, amazed. But it's *so* hard to get to that place sometimes.

Also, the Penny Carnival Canyon Ranch retreat? Sign me up. ;)


I couldn't figure out why I had so many Penny Carnival clicks on my blog so I figured I'd better check out exactly WHAT you are dong over here :) Thanks for the plug and thanks for sharing such fun ideas. I love what you said about difficult situations needing MORE love, not less. Too often you we let anger and frustration color our thinking. Happy birthday Red Riding Hood...if only she could have had a rhubarb cake.


Awesome posts from both you and Miss Em... I definitely need to remember to slllloooooowwww it down sometimes. The other night MK asked me to read her the book that I bought for her and Bo when we visited (the tips for a better world one) and I always love the page where they are throwing a party for Bunny Appreciation Day. :) These kids... gotta love em!


great post! the other day I was reading my first graders take home journal and she had drawn a picture of me slinging cereal from the box around the kitchen (a weak mommy moment)...sigh...
Talk to you soon,

Randi Dickinson

Thanks for sharing. I've struggled through many days and a lot of hard relationships with family members suffering depression (or just plain grumpy) and I've also found the solution to be more love! Telling them you love em or doing something carefree that reminds you why you love them always helps me out of a funk.
Warmest wishes and hopeful prayers your way for much better weeks to come.


Thanks so much guys. It's nice to know you're all out there losing your minds (and then finding them again) with me.
Susannah, that's hilarious. It would have been wet dishtowels with me, if my kids were old enough to be that specific in their drawings. During preschool pickup the other day, one of the boys in Bo's class showed his dad a picture he drew.
"See, Dad. That's you. Holding a can of beer."
We all lost it.

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