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kristine hanson

M, I have been to every FC show and this weekend is no exception, yahoo!! Can't wait! What day are you going? My gang of gals will go on Sunday, can't wait!


I am freaking out about MONEY because I know I will want to buy a LOT of stuff. Jilly and I are driving my car, not the Tahoe, in order to save on gas sure but primarily so that we don't purchase the entire inventory of the show! :) Can't wait....


Ha, ha. Do bring cash, Nis. Last year, partway through the show they thought the ATM at the fairgrounds broke. Turns out it was just empty. I can't remember the exact figure, but the machine started with something like $60,000 in the morning but people kept going back for more $$$.
Kristine--we're going Saturday. Maybe Sunday, too, depending on my friends' schedule. Check out this blog:
She's encouraging other bloggers to make badges and wear them to the show so people can spot each other. Cute. What a crazy world we live in, huh?

Kim G.

Hi! Thanks for the badge mention! The Farm Chicks show rocks, I can't even sleep at night I'm so excited. I think next year I might try driving again because flying is just too restrictive on all of the junk I want to haul home!! Hope to meet you at the show!!

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