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Oh! I can't wait for you to have those aprons in your shop!!


Bo's dress rocks!!! Did you make that? If so, put THAT in your shop; I'd buy one for my daughter (and one for me, too, please) in a minute. If not, where on the g-ddess's beautiful green earth did you get it?


Don't feel bad, I preordered and don't have it yet. (Ordered it from Target because I had a gift card) Now I'm having to restrain myself from running out and buying it. I mean I could always give the other copy as a gift....hmm..


Thanks, guys!

Veganmomma, that's actually Magpie in the lemon dress. That's a good reminder that I need to update my "about" page with some more basic info about who we all are.
Thanks for your kind words about the dress. Yes, I did make it. You can read about it here:
It's a commercial pattern, though, so I don't think I can make and sell it. I read something recently that some pattern makers say on the pattern envelopes that you actually can sell what you make from their designs. I'll have to check that envelope because I do get compliments on that dress a lot. Thanks for the encouragement!

Greebly--I wouldn't blame you if you bought a second copy. Like you said, you can always give away the other one. Christmas is sooner than we think!

Carolyn L.

I just want to know when I can expect my invite to the ice cream social.


your blog is darling! I don't even know how I happened upon it. I loved the picture with the chalkboard in the background with your lovely drawings while your girls were cutting with the cookie cutters! fun! What a beautiful style you have!

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