Congratulations Angie! You won the giveaway from Kids Craft Weekly for the Christmas Card idea PDF.
This was Angie's comment about Christmas crafts (Don't we all love to torture our spouses like this? Arr harr harr (that's an evil laugh)):
Each year when we decorate our christmas tree I make my husband look at EVERY SINGLE ONE of the bazillion ornaments that I made growing up, while telling him the story about it. Its his worst nightmare, but one of my favorite traditions! Now that we have kids, they have to suffer through it as well. I would love to make more, and have my kids do the same things to their future spouses!
Thanks so much for everyone's entries and a huge thanks to Amber for seeing my original post and offering up her extremely clever PDF.
Coming soon ... so much! Thanksgiving costumes (yes, Thanksgiving costumes), Thanksgiving aprons, 12 Days of Christmas Crafting (via my Dwell Well blog), more kids' party stuff. Fasten your seat belts. Or fasten mine, at least.
Congrats to Angie! Looking forward to seeing your Thanksgiving/holiday posts.... You have me intrigued with Thanksgiving costumes!
Posted by: Valerie @ Frugal Family Fun Blog | November 17, 2009 at 10:05 AM
Sweet!!!! My hubby is rolling his eyes right now with the thought of the upcoming torture of christmas tree decorations....
Posted by: Angie | November 17, 2009 at 10:37 PM