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Sigh. I feel your pain - the Smiths are lost on my husband, too. I just spent the weekend w/ four high school friends, in which there was much reading of old notes/letters and plenty of Smiths on the iPod. It was HEAVEN.

Love the dresses! And I keep meaning to print that calendar, too. Also: I'm blogging (eek). Link should be in my signature now.


Cute dresses! And thanks for the link to that book for the grandma's 90th; what a lovely idea. I shall steal it for my mother's next birthday! :)


Look at you, Michaela, with a blog now. Kinda fun, huh? I'll check it out in a bit. A weekend with old friends AND the Smiths ... that does sound like heaven.
Thanks, Kate. Isn't that book great? She is so stinkin' talented.


Mimi, I've been *totally* MIA from the blog reading scene lately...so I have a lot to catch up on! :) However, a few comments: (a) I always liked Jay but now I love him even more because BBD was definitely blasting out of the speakers on my drive to school; don't be a hater! (b) GREAT dresses, MK would love Bo's as twirly and dress are two main criteria for what she is willing to wear on any given day, (c) um, I may want to just turn my house into that place Moomah that you mentioned on FB...to die for and finally (d)have you checked out Grow Great Grub yet? It just came out and I think you'll love...

I miss you!! xoxo


got a great laugh from your Smiths references... ah, to be 17 again... the only good part was the music.


Thanks, Nis! No, I haven't seen GGG yet. Will check it out asap. I'm trying to turn our basement into Moomah, but the lack of natural light is kind of spoiling things. I've missed you!!! Glad you're back.
Ha, ha, Carolyn. It was good music, wasn't it? I think I'd take my 17-year-old waistline again, too.


Cute husband update: He just gave me Morrissey and The Smiths albums for Valentine's Day.

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