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The Leftoverist

I can't believe you and your family bean bags. You know I'm never going to make any of these things, right?! But that makes reading about them even more fun.

twirling betty

I LOVE printing on fabric and these are fantastic and kind of hilarious. I can imagine the strength with which I might have hurled (rather than gently tossed) one with a picture of my brother on it when I was a kid. Of course we're all grown up and lovely now but I may make one with his face on just in case...I mean, ahem, I will definitely be making some of these with treasured family members on for my girls. Thanks for yet another lovely toot. *giggle*


LOL, guys. Great alternative use for them, TB. I should send this link to some family counselors. Kind of a healthy way to express aggression, don't you think?
Sarah, how can you not put those darling kids of yours on bean bags? Hmm ... maybe this should be a new offering in my Etsy shop.


I love this idea! So many possibilities. I want to make bean bags with photos of my 3-4 yr. old preschool students! Imagine all the things we could do with these in the classroom(get-to-know-you songs, grab a bean-bag out of a basket to see whose turn is next, 3-D graphing for question of the day,etc.). Then they can take them home at the end of the school year. Hooray for this idea! Thanks!

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