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fun! not ridiculous. it looks like fun.

Mariah Neeson

your girls are SOO cute. I love that pic!

uli mayang

wow i love this theme too.. it looks like fun..


not that I will in the near future, but, for curiosity's sake, where does one find a pony for rent?

You guys have some cool parties! What wonderful memories for the whole family for years to come.

Unicorn Party Supplies

I shouldn't have shown my girls. Now they are begging me for this party. All 3 of them and their birthdays aren't until next year. I'll blame you for posting such an adorable, most girlie party, I've ever seen ;)Great work on the party!

Cowgirl Party Supplies

OMG! SO cute. You are really good at birthday parties. My kids have never had any like this.

Henk Laundry

This is so cute, just watch out she doesn't want a horse for real now;o but such cute pictures

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