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Megan D.

Hi! I'm a new reader and I just found your blog today through Odeedoh. I just had to check out your blog because you live in Spokane and I have family there. Then, I had to comment because you said you went sledding at the home of a friend named Hans. It wouldn't happen to be Hans DeBoer would it? If so, he was married to my grandmother for many many years until very recently. I know it's a fat chance but how many Hans can there in Spokane? Anyway, Happy New Year to you!


Ha, ha, no, Megan, it's a different Hans. But how weird would that have been?! It's a smally bloggy world. Thanks for stopping by. :)

Megan D.

Very weird indeed! Happy New Year to you and your family!

Hollie eastman

I would really like your cookie leftovers about now=)...and I loved Chaps decorations too...I got to be there on my b-day!

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